Reparación con el implante TightRope® con suturas FiberRing™

Un enfoque innovador para la preservación del LCA, el implante TightRope permite una reparación incremental y precisa de tensado y retensado. Además, la nueva sutura FiberRing facilita el pasaje de la sutura y carga el implante de forma simplificada y reproducible. Un análisis cuidadoso de los datos históricos ha revelado que ciertos subgrupos de desgarros del LCA, especialmente los desgarros proximales con tejido de buena calidad, tienen resultados clínicos positivos con la reparación primaria del LCA.1


1. Arthrex, Inc. DOC1-000178-en-US_B. Naples, FL; 2020.

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Un enfoque innovador para la preservación del LCA, el implante TightRope permite una reparación incremental y precisa de tensado y retensado. Además, la nueva sutura FiberRing facilita el pasaje de la sutura y carga el implante de forma simplificada y reproducible. Un análisis cuidadoso de los datos históricos ha revelado que ciertos subgrupos de desgarros del LCA, especialmente los desgarros proximales con tejido de buena calidad, tienen resultados clínicos positivos con la reparación primaria del LCA.1


1. Arthrex, Inc. DOC1-000178-en-US_B. Naples, FL; 2020.

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Tibial Spine Avulsion Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant With FiberRing™ Sutures

Wiemi A. Douoguih, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 08:43 | English | 10/18/2023 | VID1-004040-en-US A

ACL Repair TightRope® Surgical Technique Animation

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas | 04:10 | English | 12/09/2021 | AN1-000324-en-US A
ACL Primary Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
ACL Primary Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
Patrick A. Smith, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 17:37 | English | 06/20/2022 | VID1-003199-en-US A
ACL Preservation With the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
ACL Preservation With the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas | English | 10/06/2021 | LT1-000229-en-US A
Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Reduction Using ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Reduction Using ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Rachel M. Frank, MD
Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas | 12:16 | English | 12/20/2021 | VID1-002908-en-US A

Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (8)

Tibial Spine Avulsion Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant With FiberRing™ Sutures
Tibial Spine Avulsion Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant With FiberRing™ Sutures
Wiemi A. Douoguih, MD
08:43 | English | 10/18/2023 | VID1-004040-en-US A
Double-Bundle ACL Primary Repair Using Dual ACL Repair TightRope® Implants and FiberRing™ Sutures
Double-Bundle ACL Primary Repair Using Dual ACL Repair TightRope® Implants and FiberRing™ Sutures
Sommer Hammoud, MD
18:05 | English | 06/20/2023 | VID1-003950-en-US A
ACL Preservation Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures Summary
ACL Preservation Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures Summary
Aravind Athiviraham, MD
08:40 | English | 01/31/2023 | VID1-003709-en-US A
Primary Repair of a Tibial-Sided ACL PL Bundle: ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Primary Repair of a Tibial-Sided ACL PL Bundle: ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Walter R. Lowe, MD
09:17 | English | 10/12/2022 | VID1-003593-en-US A
PCL Primary Repair Using the PCL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
PCL Primary Repair Using the PCL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
Gregory S. DiFelice, MD
15:24 | English | 06/29/2022 | VID1-003066-en-US B
ACL Primary Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
ACL Primary Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
Patrick A. Smith, MD
17:37 | English | 06/20/2022 | VID1-003199-en-US A
Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Reduction Using ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Reduction Using ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Suture
Rachel M. Frank, MD
12:16 | English | 12/20/2021 | VID1-002908-en-US A

Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)

ACL Repair TightRope® Surgical Technique Animation
ACL Repair TightRope® Surgical Technique Animation
04:10 | English | 12/09/2021 | AN1-000324-en-US A

Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (2)

ACL-Erhalt mit dem ACL Repair TightRope®
ACL-Erhalt mit dem ACL Repair TightRope®
German | 03/14/2022 | LT1-000229-de-DE A
ACL Preservation With the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
ACL Preservation With the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
English | 10/06/2021 | LT1-000229-en-US A

Actualizaciones científicas (2)

InternalBrace™ Technique: Knee Applications
InternalBrace™ Technique: Knee Applications
English | 09/26/2024 | DOC1-000161-en-US I
Primary Cruciate Ligament Repair Scientific Update
Primary Cruciate Ligament Repair Scientific Update
English | 06/07/2022 | LA1-00055-EN N

Boletines para cirujanos (2)

Scope This Out, Volume 23, Number 1
Scope This Out, Volume 23, Number 1
English | 03/14/2022 | LN1-000401-en-US A
Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 2
Scope This Out - Volume 22, Number 2
English | 08/09/2021 | LN1-000351-en A

Catálogos (1)

Knee Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction
Knee Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction
English | 12/30/2024 | LB1-0115-en-US AD

Event Clips (1)

Folletos (2)

Knee Arthroscopy New Product & Technique Highlights
Knee Arthroscopy New Product & Technique Highlights
English | 03/29/2023 | evBR1-002467-en-US C
ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
ACL Repair TightRope® Implant
English | 10/19/2021 | DOC1-000588-en-US A

Video presentaciones (1)

Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
Tibial Spine Avulsion Fracture Repair Using the ACL Repair TightRope® Implant and FiberRing™ Sutures
Justin J. Mitchell, MD
06:10 | English | 08/11/2023 | VID1-003944-en-US A

Videos de demostración de productos (2)

MPFL Graft Preparation Using FiberLoop® SutureTape
MPFL Graft Preparation Using FiberLoop® SutureTape
J. Lee Pace, MD
10:54 | English | 12/09/2022 | VID1-003666-en-US A
Información de servicio al clienteInformación sobre el Látex