• Procedure/Product Pages (2)
    • Image?api id=deltoid instability&width=120&file type=jpg
      • The deltoid ligament is primary responsible for stabilizing the medial side of the ankle joint. It is fairly complex ligament consisting of both superficial and deep fibers. Injuries to the deltoid ligament can occur in multiple settings including simultaneous lateral ankle sprains, ankle fractures or posterior tibial tendon …
    • Image?api id=deltoid instability tendon fixation&width=120&file type=jpg
      • The Deltoid Ligament Reconstruction Implant System provides a turnkey repair technique to treat this previously difficult to manage pathology using a TightRope® and gold standard Bio-Tenodesis Screws. Utilizing the TightRope construct provides the benefit of cortical fixation and gives surgeons complete control of the final construct tension. By …