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Videos de técnicas quirúrgicas (1)
SpeedBridge™ Rotator Cuff Repair Using the SpeedBridge™ Implant System
Peter J. Millett, MD, MS
10:23 | English | 01/05/2015 | VID1-00219-EN B
Animaciones de técnicas quirúrgicas (2)
SpeedBridge™ Repair
02:24 | English | 07/27/2017 | AN1-0219-EN C
01:25 | English | 01/16/2014 | AN1-00039-EN A
Guías de técnicas quirúrgicas (5)
SpeedBridge™ and SpeedFix™ Knotless Rotator Cuff Repair Using the SwiveLock® C Anchor and FiberTape® Suture
English | 09/29/2015 | LT1-0219-EN F
Stabilisierung akuter Schultereckgelenksprengungen in der Dog Bone Button-Technik
German | 10/07/2013 | LT1-0531-DE A
Stabilization of Acute Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocations using Dog Bone Button Technology
English | 01/11/2013 | LT1-0531-EN B
Estabilización de lesiones agudas de la articulación acromioclavicular empleando la tecnología Dog Bone Button
Spanish | 11/16/2012 | LT0531-ES A
SpeedBridge™ und SpeedFix™ − knotenfreie Rotatorenmanschettenrekonstruktion mit SwiveLock® C und FiberTape®
German | 03/27/2012 | LT1-0219-DE A
Animaciones de educación para el paciente (5)
Rotator Cuff Repair with SpeedBridge™ Technique
02:39 | English | 08/21/2017 | PAN1-0219-EN E
01:26 | Spanish | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00026-ES A
01:26 | German | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00026-DE A
01:26 | French | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00026-FR A
01:26 | Dutch | 01/01/2009 | PAN1-00026-NL A
Catalogs (2)
Shoulder and Elbow - Next Generation in Repair and Reconstruction 2024
English | 02/02/2024 | LB1-0220-EN AD
Schulter und Ellenbogen
German | 06/20/2023 | LB2-0220-DE AE
Folletos (3)
FiberWire® High-Strength Orthopedic Sutures
English | 02/07/2022 | LB1-000236-en-US B
Epaule & Coude
French | 05/15/2020 | LB6-0220-FR A
Collagen Coated FiberWire® Suture
English | 03/07/2013 | LS1-0235-EN A
Informes técnicos (3)
Comparación biomecánica de riesgo de desgarro de tejido: LabralTape™ y FiberWire #2®
Spanish | 12/24/2014 | LA1-0209-ES A
Técnica Resistente à Propagação de Rasgos (Rip-Stop) com Divisão de Carga para Reparo do Manguito Rotador
Portuguese | 11/15/2013 | LA0250-PT A
Comparación de Área de Contacto y Resistencia de Corte del Tendón con el Uso de FiberTape y FiberWire N° 2
Spanish | 07/03/2013 | LA0239-ES A